January Decor 2020

 I didn't even get out all my January totes this year. I just was feeling a bit of simplicity would be nice after the excess of the Christmas holiday. And it may also be due to the quiet, contemplative state of mind I've been in this season. I didn't even get out my collection of Putz houses that I adore, and usually put under the mirror, see in prior years HERE, and HERE.
 I have to have lights in January. I need sparkle and light and shine to brighten the gloom of the month. But I also wanted snow and a calm sort of woodland look. So I just used cotton batting, the trees that usually go with my houses, and some bottlebrush trees. I also have my antique German polar bear prowling the tundra.
 I was very happy when I finished decorating the table. Then I lit the candles and turned out the lights. I could just sit and look at this scene for a long while and feel quite peaceful...
 Here is the ice wreath over the door, a silver tree from Goodwill in my Grandma Tommy milkglass compote, filled with vintage glass balls. Over the window is my frosty garland I use every year, and the spangly "thing" I got several years ago at The Cellar Door in Springdale, Ar. The owner is a real sweetheart and she has lovely things at great prices. This particular item came on a hanger that was supposed to rotate if you put in a battery. I'm afraid it's ability to rotate left it a decade or more ago.
 But the glorious thing about it, and the tree, are the way they explode with light when the sun shines in!! It looks millions of silver fireflies zipping over the walls and ceiling, and it makes me very, very happy!
 Here is the same garland I had up for Christmas, but I added the silver pinecone lights. The buffet was set for New Year's Eve with out hats and horns, snacks, and the glasses for our midnight toast.
 Now that the table is no longer covered with fondue pots, I could put out some decorations. I decided on a simple runner, two flocked deer I found at a yard sale for 50 cents, and the little trees I made years ago with small porcelain insulators as stands.
 The other buffet just has more milkglass, and a frosted fern I've had for 20 years now.
 And the good ole "prom" backdrop from New Year's is still up and adding it's gaudy shine to the mix.
All in all a much more simple look than usual, but full of the light I crave. And it will be very easy to take down and pack back up. Is this a sign of things to come in the new year? Less decor, and a bit more ease? Who can say until we hit this point again and are able to look back. What about you, Dear Reader? Do you need extra light in this season? How do you keep your spirits uplifted in the darkest months of the year?


  1. I guess I do always want light...year round. The first thing I do in the mornings is throw open all the curtains & check the sky to see if we're going to have a glorious sunrise. My sunrise view over the water is pretty amazing no matter how soft the sunrise is.

    I love the simplicity you have this year! Though I do miss the Putz houses quite a bit I understand wanting to leave them packed away sometimes. I did not set up my Christmas village this year, just my sweet churches all alone in a forest of bottle-brush trees.

    I'm still tweaking my decor around all the construction dust...we still have weeks to go. But I've decided to try making these tissue paper mushrooms.

    Wish me luck! They look so fairy-like & light. I hope mine turn out this well. I'm buying supplies today. I hope to have them standing o my 'mantle' in my great grandmothers dough bowl filled with moss. And scattered around if they aren't too hard to make.

    1. I love that you have a water view! Lake, ocean, creek...??? And what about all the construction dust? Are you adding on, renovating? Yes, I'm being nosy, but I love having an image in my head of what life is like where you are.

      I went immediately to look at the mushroom link, and I about died!! I have tons of handmade mushrooms pinned on Pinterest. These look gorgeous! Please make them, make them right now, so that you can tell me if a fumbling goofball like me can ever aspire to these mushrooms. I can just imagine them in the bread bowl with moss...Please share a picture with me when you do--- I begging, pretty please, with sugar on ton ;)

  2. Beautiful decor, Ms Sam! Where, though, is Squeaky? I do so love that little squirrel! No doubt he is trying to steal one of those beautiful acorn lights! My winter decor is snowmen. They are so happy and cheerful, I can't help but be affected :)

    1. He he! Squeaky will be so thrilled to know that he was missed. Maybe I shouldn't tell him, he has quite an ego as it is... Actually the poor squirrel is nude save for his fur. I didn't ever get out the tote that has his frosty crown and snowflake :(. I have been completely remiss, and I promise to do better next month, when he will again become a furry Cupid!

      One of my dearest friends decorates with snowmen! And they never fail to make me smile :)

  3. Lovely decorations, I love using old and vintage decorations, they are so much more romantic in the season.
    Some of the newer stuff like the Grinch and super hero's just do not do it for me.

    Happy New Year

    1. Thank you! I agree that vintage, or even just vintage looking decorations have so much more charm than modern ones. Anything vintage is my love :). I hope your new year is off to a lovely start!

  4. Oh I love your winter decorations. Your table is beautiful - those deer and the homemade trees! We have a small, old house and even though I'm always ready to get the Christmas stuff out, as soon as the holiday is over, I'm ready to put it all away and have the house back to "normal." I love the winter months but I don't decorate with anything special this time of the year. Although I did just order a strand of timer fairy lights to put either in my hutch or my Hoosier cabinet. Who knows, maybe I'll love having the light in the evenings and want to add more!

    1. Thanks so much, sweetie! I understand about your desire to take the Christmas decor back down. I have never been able to enjoy decorations after the holiday. And you're right, the simple look after all the baubles and shine are put away is soothing. I am sure you are going to enjoy those little lights- how smart to have a timer on them! They will look just lovely in among your treasures :)

  5. January is a time of reflection- love that you have beautiful sparkling light reflections dancing about! I try to use "natural light" light bulbs to help keep SAD at bay (I don't really suffer from it, but don't want to either.) I really love that pix with the sparkles!

    1. Thank you! I love the sparkles and light strings. I don't think I suffer from it either, but I still carve light! I don't use curtains because I need to be able to see out my windows, and to have any sun at all come in.


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