Vintage Look- 1950's Bill Sims Housedress

 This dress is so simple, but I love it. This is a 50's housedress, the kind that a lady would step into in the morning and wear to clean the house and run errands. Perhaps with her hair in rollers and a scarf over it! I remember my Grandma Betty in a chiffon scarf tied over rollers as she worked.

This is my kind of getting dressed- you step in and zip up, and done! It's the fabric and the lovely use of trim that take a utilitarian dress like this and make it something to smile about.

Not much fuss about this dress, but I have people say they like it every time I wear it out.
It's not till you get up close that you see how cute it is. Eyelet lace around the neckline and the pockets. And my beloved rickrack at the sleeves and lining the zipper. The fabric is a smoky lavender-grey with deep purple-blue clusters of flowers. For something so simple it has all the best attributes- a lovely print, great trimmings, and a nice shape. It makes me think of something a character in the Andy Griffith Show (my fav!) might wear. What about you, Dear Reader, would it make your workload seem lighter to do it in a cute housedress? Or an even better question- would you ever go to town with your curlers in?? ;)


  1. This is adorable! I agree, the fabric & the trim are so sweet.

    I don't think I'd go to town in curlers but I would go without make up with a hat on.

    1. Thank you! MY Grandma Tommy was very stylish and she said that a pretty scarf over the hair and red lipstick made you look like you were put together. But she also had a wig that she could slip on if she had come from the chicken houses and needed to run to town. She wouldn't have been caught dead in rollers - ha! ;)

  2. No curlers for me but I do love that dress. The fabric is just so sweet and I love the colors!

    1. I can see pincurls- they lay flat on the head and could be covered nicely with a scarf, but those big bristle centered rollers...not so much ;). And thank you, the fabric is so fun!


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