Blackberry Coconut Rosewater Fizz

You know how I am about fun drinks, Dear Reader. Always trying something new to keep those poor little kidney functioning! ;)
If you read Blackberry Season then you remember that I picked a bunch of lovely berries, with many more to come. You had to know that meant experimentation! I've had this recipe sitting about, waiting for the right moment. And the fact that it called for rosewater just made it all the more exciting to me. It's a super simple recipe and I only changed one ingredient. In this case I traded out the alcohol for fizzy water. You'll see...
So you start out with just three blackberries. Store-bought are a lot bigger than wild, so I used four. If yours are frozen, let them thaw first. And then you "muddle" them. I don't happen to have a muddling stick, or whatever you call it. I decided muddle was simply fancy for mash, and so I used the end of my vintage melon scoop for the job.
When the berries are just a crushed little puddle, add 1/8 cup of coconut cream. Not coconut water (blech!!), or coconut milk. The only reason I had coconut cream in the pantry was because my Aunt Jane was supposed to make an amazing coconut cake that she poked and poured this cream over. I found it one day and snapped it up. Sadly, no one has Aunt Jane's recipe. But then I saw this drink and said, "Ah-hah! I have that tucked away!" It is really great, because it is not overwhelmingly coconut, but it is sweetened. So you don't need to worry about sugar or simple syrups in this drink. Easy-peasy!
Then you add 1/8 cup of lime juice. I had a bottle of Key Lime juice that I keep in the fridge, and I used that. So you don't even need fresh limes.
Then add 1/4 tsp Rosewater. No, don't turn up your nose at this step! It doesn't make it taste like flowers, in fact, most people would never know it was in there. However, with such few ingredients each one does a big part in making this so delicious. And I have tons of other recipes that I have shared that use rosewater. Be intrepid, Dear Reader, get you a bottle and try it. Go exotic this summer!
Instead of mixing it all together then, I topped it with crushed ice and 1/3 cup of sparkling water. I used carbonated water from my SodaStream, but you can buy it for 99 cents a bottle at the grocery store. I like to make fancy (non-alcoholic) drinks for parties, and I love to leave them layered, so that when they stir it up it changes before their eyes.
A good stir and it is suddenly cotton candy pink! No food coloring necessary, it is the juice of those lovely berries.
I found this drink delicious and refreshing. It is tart with the berries and the lime, sweet with light hints of coconut and rose, and with the sparkling water it fizzes up and looks just like an Italian Soda.
You can see as I am slurping it down that it has a creamy looking foam on it, like Italian Sodas. But nope, no dairy in here, just that yummy coconut cream.
It was good to the last drop! So then I just turned around and made me another one ;). You're welcome, kidneys!
Here are the few ingredients and the recipe follows. I found the original recipe HERE. Like I said, I switched out her gin for sparkling water. When I gave this drink to my son, he loved it. I told him that I had put the sparkling water in it in place of alcohol. He looked at his glass and said, "But it wouldn't have been fizzy." I am thinking that her option makes your tummy fizzy instead of your mouth- he he! Plus, the original was all in ounces, which I switched into cup measurements.
Blackberry Coconut Rosewater Fizz
3-4 blackberries
1/8 cup coconut cream
1/8 cup lime juice
1/4 tsp rosewater
1/3 cup sparkling water
crushed ice

Mash the berries in the bottom of a small (4-5 inch) glass. Add the next three ingredients. Mix now if desired, or leave layered to serve. Top with crushed ice and the sparkling water. Add a paper straw or spoon to mix. Enjoy!
I mentioned that I used my SodaStream for the carbonated water. I had heard of this item, but not paid any attention. I thought they were just for making sodas, not something I drink a lot of. But my son, Seth, is always wanting me to drink more. So he found a SodaStream at Goodwill and gave it to me. You see, he knows that my favorite drink ever is Sparkling White Grape Juice! You know, the kind that comes in green glass wine bottles? I can seriously drink one of those all by myself! But then there is the price, and the guilt of having a bunch of glass bottles laying around that should be recycled. Now I can buy a giant generic bottle of white grape juice and use my SodaStream carbonated water and make my own for cheap! I just use half juice, half water and it tastes just the same. Such a good boy, taking care of his moma! So, just in case you missed the whole SodaStream fad like I did, it is seriously one of my favorite things. And I always have sparkling water ready for fun and fancy drinks like this!! If you are interested in checking one out, HERE is a link to one on Amazon. And guess what? Walmart refills your carbonation bottles for you. So, no matter how you get your fizzy water (I'm guessing even Ginger Ale might work in this), I hope you try it this blackberry season. And there are more berry recipes to come :)

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  1. One thing I love about your blog is learning about new-to-me ingredients to try! I have a list already just from this post. I am a boring cook for the most part because my sweetheart wants the same meals pretty much every day. But oh this sounds so yummy & would be easy for me to make just for myself.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I am so glad you are always eager to try new things! My hubby wouldn't care a thing about drinking this, so it is something I make for myself or is my kids come over. It would be a perfect treat for you on a hot day. Hope you love it!

  2. Miss Sam: Thank-you for this recipe, I am now drinking a berry drink from Starbucks with added lemon lots of lemon fresh squeezed, your drink sounds so much better, thank-you for sharing with us.


    1. You are so welcome, sugar! I love things like this because store-bought drinks are so expensive, and I'm an introvert, so I find places like Starbucks intimidating! I hope you try it and enjoy it. I also have other drink recipes that I have posted you might like to try :)

  3. That looks so good, Ms Sam!!! A Soda Stream has been on my wish list for awhile, but others in the house don't see the value in it, so it remains on my list :( I will have to find some rose water and give this recipe a try! Oh! And I thought I was the only one who doesn't like coconut water!

    1. I would have never gotten one for myself, but I'm am so delighted Seth found one ta Goodwill! I didn't think I would use it that much, but I love it! (though I did have to look up if I was going to ruin my teeth or something from drinking carbonated everything! he he) I love coconut milk in recipes, especially soups, so I thought I would like coconut way!!! But this is delicious. In fact, my middle son was using it to make peanut butter, Nutella, and coconut cream sandwiches-- boys!! ;)

  4. That looks so good! I admit I'm not a fan of blackberries (I prefer raspberries, personally) but I LOVE coconut

    1. Don't tell the blackberries, but the raspberries are my favorite!! I think this drink would be divine with them also. I was just excited to find a recipe to use up some of my fresh berries, and that great coconut creme sitting in the cabinet. If you love coconut you should try to find it, I'm sure you could think of a million things to use it in! :)


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