Canning Tomatoes

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I thought that all the rain this spring would be a glut of tomatoes. 
Unfortunately, as soon as we stopped having sprinkles every day the plants took a real dislike of the sudden hot summer sun. I had heaps of green tomatoes on the vine, but now that they have finally ripened, I realized I have little to no new blossoms. So this may be the only big harvest I have this season. I'm not going to complain, because I have had some real whoppers to eat, and enough to do one good canning.
I've said before that I love orange and yellow tomatoes the most. And that is lucky since they are the ones that have ripened earliest and most prolifically. Look at these two beauties! They are both heirlooms- the orange is Jubilee and the yellow is Old German.
Here are two of the Old German, they weigh in at 3 pounds!
And I love how there are red stripes in the meat. I have this mad scientist feeling of cutting into a huge yellow heart with red arteries! Gross, I know, but it gives the science geek in me Frankenstein type giggles when I cut them, he he ;)
And here is my bounty of canning. It is about 1/3 as much as I would normally put up in a summer, but here are also just two of us now. And I am just thankful to have a dozen jars! 

If you are having enough lovely "fruits" to put up, please look back at my post Herb Roasted Tomatoes. I tell you how to make them delicious enough to want to just eat from the jar, and also every single step of how to can them. It is simple and easy, I promise! And if you have any questions,sugar, just ask!


  1. Oh those Herb Roasted Tomatoes look soooo good! I still haven't tried my hand at canning. I did make freezer jam for the first time this summer using mulberries I picked from my dad's trees! Unfortunately it's not been the best summer for tomatoes. Mine haven't done much of anything and neither have my mom's. I'm hoping to get to a farm not far from us where the gentleman grows a huge field of tomatoes. He then picks them and offers them, as many as you want for a free will donation. He donates the money he makes to charity. I think the Ronald McDonald House. I've never been there but maybe this year as I really want some garden tomatoes! Hopefully next year will be better and I'll have enough of my own to try your recipe!

    1. What a wonderful idea! I love that he gets to garden his little heart out and then give the proceeds to such a worthy cause! My dear friend, Ms Wendy, had to stay at a RM House when she has her triplets and I know it was such a blessing. I hope that will get some just to eat fresh, if nothing else. And a gardener always believes that next year will be the best year ever- "Hope springs eternal in the human breast" ~Alexander Pope

  2. Good morning! My plants started off beautifully also, and then the stems started browning and dying from the bottom up. Ugh! I finally, though I absolutely hated doing it, used a broad spectrum fungicide spray on them. There weren't many tomatoes on them, so at that moment, that was good. In the last week and a half they have really started to grow again and have a lot of blossoms, so, maybe, just maybe I'll be blessed with enough to put up at least one canner full. Since we have a good 2 1/2 months or so until first frost (I am in TN zone 7a), there should be time. Are you seeding anything for a fall planting this year? I pulled out a couple types of lettuce, spinach, beets, green beans, onions, shallots and leek to put in the ground today. First time doing a fall planting. Strange, though I have gardened 30 years, I have always just spring planted, summer harvest and so on. It will be good to learn a new way of doing things! Well, have a very blessed day! - Kath

    1. I am beginning to think that it wasn't a great tomato year for anyone this year! Here's hoping that your plants take a deep breath and bloom their little hearts out so you can get you fill of tomatoes! And yes, just one canning is a blessing. I have not done a fall garden, but the hubby is talking about it. I am usually to the "bah humbug" point by fall and delighted to see everything die so I don't have to mess with it anymore- isn't that awful? He he! But I will love to hear how things go for you if you take the plunge :)


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