St Patrick's Day Decor 2020

I've had my St Patty's decor up for a week now with nary a peep about it. I guess my mind has been set on working on my French parlor {wink wink}. And you probably get sick of seeing a lots of the same things each year. But guess what? Here I am again! Most holiday decorating starts with me canvasing the house for items of a particular color. For St Pat's I head for anything green, plaid, or with shamrocks.

And I am quite shameless about mixing Scottish items into an Irish holiday. Check out the Scottish cookie tin that I just adore. Who cares if it's not the right country? It has plaid and men in kilts, what's not to love? The Westmorland milkglass rabbit plate has edging in both shamrocks and horseshoes. And the vase is both green and a snake. Remember how St Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland? Funny thing is, every woman in my dad's family had an identical green glass snake vase. And we have no idea of the symbolism. I never thought to ask, until I realized how many there were being passed down. Very strange...
 My shelves are a hodge-podge. A pretty valentine with green honeycomb, and shamrocks. A New Year's card with the same lucky leaves, a beautiful green butter pat, and a jadite bird salt dip.
 Nothing like a green and red "toe-baccy" tin to make one think of Irish pipes with smoke curling. The little tartan book is full of sweet tater recipes. And the plaid egg is a sewing kit with a tiny spool of thread and needles encased inside.
 At the top is a blessing that my great aunt Jessie brought back from Ireland on a NATO tour in 1969. She even typed out the farewell given to them and taped it to the back.

Atop the Victrola is a pixie, lounging on his bed of gold coins. I really love the delicate linen embroidered with clovers.
 The table has it's assortment of gnomes and magical mushrooms. I know leprechauns are supposed to be associated with Ireland, but did you know that wearing (or in some versions of the story, eating) a four-leafed clover is supposed to give you the power to see all the fairy folk, not just leprechauns.
 Of course Squeaky is wearing the green, and hoarding his gold. But what is that behind him?
 Why, it's a wee squirrel, carved by the brother of my daughter-in-law. I had Ethan in my biology class years ago, and he sent me his creation to be a companion for my squirrel. I'm not sure Squeaky is impressed with his new friend, but I am!
 And I always show decorations in my dining room, but never anywhere else. Here is a spot of festivity in my very green living room.
 And as I was digging in my china cabinet I realized I had some lovely bits of green lurking there. So the sideboard became a display for them.

And that made me dig deeper, realizing that our St Patrick's dinner wasn't far off. Here are some likely things I gathered to use on the table.
All in all, just some silliness, and a lot of my favorite color. The brisket is being "corned", making me excited for the meal that is to come. And my cousins will be joining us again with their sweet baby girl. Lots to look forward to, and I am already dreaming of how to set the table...
 Do you celebrate St Patrick's Day in any way, Dear Reader? Be warned, if I see you on March 17th not wearing the green, you will be getting a big pinch from me ;)


  1. Oh I love it all! That house blessing is so special. I have my St. Patty's day napkins on the table and a string of green and yellow lights in my summer kitchen. The rest of my decorations are stuck behind a whole bedroom set that I'm hoping goes away soon so I can get to them again.

    1. I bet the lights look lovely! And that sounds like my house! I have an entire bedroom filled with furniture, boxes and trunks waited to go into one or another son's house. I will be excited when it is being used (and out of my house ;). Every year is different, next year you can put out all the goodies!

  2. Oh I love all your beautiful green treasures! And that little carved squirrel is wonderful!

    1. Thank you! I do love green, St Patrick's or not. And that little squirrel was a super special gift :)

  3. Hello, Ms Sam! Your decor is just fabulous! I can't wait to see how you do your table. It always looks so festive! We celebrate by having our corned beef (not homemade, but it is good!), colcannon, regular mashed potatoes (yes, I do both. lol!), fried cabbage (can never have enough), and then I usually make chocolate cupcakes with mint frosting.

    1. Thank you, sugar! I do love to decorate the table; it's fun just thinking about it! I love that you have colcannon and fried cabbage- you are right, you can't have too much :)! I LOVE the idea of the cupcakes. Mint and chocolate is divine, and you get to have green frosting- yay!


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