A Joyous Announcement!

You'll have to forgive me. My Internet has been only intermittent this last week and a half. It literally fades in and out so quickly that sometimes I have been able to open my emails or check the bank account, if I am very quick. Other times it is gone before I can type  a full word on the search bar. So I have been absent here, and many of you will not have heard the big news. My youngest son and his new bride are expecting!! She just found out on Monday, and told us all in the sweetest way. We were all at Family Supper, and she passed out slips of paper. I thought we were going to play a game. But then we opened them to announcements of the momentous occasion! But still, all this week I have had to keep reminding myself. When the hubby told his mother that he was going to be a grandpa, my head whipped around to stare at him, and I thought, "Whaaaaat?? Oh. Yeah. Wow!" It still doesn't seem real yet...
This adorable couple just got married on May 26th, 2019, the one year anniversary of their first date. And now they will be expecting a baby around May 11th, 2020, just in time for the one year anniversary of their marriage! My oldest son has been married four years, my second son for two years, but it is the "baby" who decided to hatch first ;)
I know I keep telling you that I am going to do much belated wedding posts of all my kids, and I am. Really. Pinkie promise. But for now you have to be satisfied with a picture of the beaming young couple, and the soon-to-be grandparents. The hubby looks grumpy, but that is just because we were all cheesing at somebody else! He's baby-crazy and is delighted with the thought. And me? Well, I've been ready to be some little thing's Granny since I was having my own kids. Granny Sam...I like the sound! And so, Dear Reader, any prayers you might send up for the beautiful young moma and her baby will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing in my joy!


  1. I am so happy for you! There is nothing sweeter than a grandbaby.

    1. Thank you, Jenny! I've seen the joy you have had with yours and can't wait :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so happy for YOU!!!! Being a grandmother is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Congratulations and prayers for all!

    1. Thank you, Ms Holley! It is finally sinking in and my mind is just a whir-- a grandbaby!! And thank you so for the prayers :)

  3. Oh congratulations! Being a grandma is absolutly the best!!!!

    1. Thank you, Ms Rhonda, I know it will be the best ever!


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