October- Halloween Decor

I don't do witches, devils, or ghouls. I've never even seen an actual horror movie. I am a Christian who enjoys Halloween, but in a very Adams Family or Munsters kind of way. ( Read my post- WHY HALLOWEEN? to understand my feelings of the holiday) I've yet to find anyone who finds those fun old shows to be offensive, and so I hope that my decor follows suit.
I like to think that the ghostly silhouette in the mirror is the author, Mary Shelley. Her Doctor Frankenstein is the muse for my mad scientist's desk. (The bobcat skin on the floor was one I found hit by a car and skinned.)

Yes, that is a real lightening rod in the dining room. I needed it, of course, to power the fabulous electrical "something" box my middle son gave me for a birthday. He said, It has gauges and knobs and I know you'll know what to do with it. Yes, indeedy. I have a very naughty rat in a cage that is in need of some electroshock therapy. I've had Renoir the Rat for 24 years now, so I know his character.

I've been reading up on the technique in my Nurse's Manual from 1926. It's real instructions, folks! And truth is scarier than fiction.

I love these bird silhouettes. They have wings that fold up or down and so they are 3-d and cast the most amazing shadows. All the critters in the room get into the fun. Mr. Sheep with his mask.  
Owl with a very jauntily tilted hat. 
Fluffy wearing a crown I received for a birthday and carrying the trick-or-treat bucket from my childhood. 

These are seashells I have collected over the years from our vacation spot of Rockport, TX. They are all naturally black. One year I thought, wouldn't they be delightful all gathered together for Halloween?
And, Squeaky, with clown cap and candy bucket, being closely watched by Vinny the Vulture.
Black cats have always been a favorite of mine, especially since I had one all my growing up years. Midnight lived to be 14, good ole cat. The pottery cat is from when I was a kid. It was part of my birthday decor! I tried to find a picture of the black cat cake my mom made for my birthday one year when I was small, but it has slipped my grasp...
There are sweet little critters everywhere, just waiting to say Hi. If you could look closely there are tiny black mice, ants, and very realistic looking brown cockroaches running everywhere.  My mom didn't want to walk past this chair. Oops, I'm grinning just thinking about it!

Really, Dear Reader, it is the spider webs that make the whole thing. Nothing truly looks done until they are up. Webs are the piece de resistance of Halloween decor. They make me think of the Adams Family show where Gomez walks in on Morticia, who is carrying a bag and sprinkling it everywhere. When asked what she was doing, she replied, "Housework, I've been dusting all day!" Bwahahaha!

Just a little bit of webs and lights in the living room, it had to be dark for you to see them lit up.
On the kitchen porch there are webs, yellow caution tape, and the the chalk tracing of my youngest son's body after I convinced him to sprawl out there for me again this year :). 

Plus a little black cat in a graveyard...

Every year I get some little thing new, even if it's just one more spider (who can have enough?!). This year I couldn't resist this skull with a movable jaw. I love anatomy and bones (ahem- I am also a high school Biology teacher for homeschoolers). It was really the jaw (plus the $3 price tag) that did it for me. Open his mouth and this fellow looks so...well, so darn happy! It tickled my funnny-bone (sorry) and now he greets everyone as they come in the door. Hey, I've seen much more sullen faces on door greeters before. I had to make him a banner, because it looked like he was hollering exactly what I would say to you, Dear Reader, if you were to arrive at my home-
 Now I am working on my costume, and making place markers and the menu for my annual costume/dinner party! You'll have to come back and visit me to see those pictures later. Until then, have a little spooky fun!


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