March's End

baby cottontail rabbit
       While I was still in my fuzzy robe and drinking my coffee, our rotten old cat deposited a baby bunny on the step. She was purring and quite proud until it was snatched away from her. I examined it while hubby held it and discovered not even the tiniest of wounds. So I trotted out across the field toward the creek to release it.
     Once there, I sat it near a brushpile and some undergrowth with visible animal tunnels. The poor dear just quivered. Then I gently pointed it toward one of the tunnels. It's little nose twitched- and it scampered down the tunnel! It was frozen and listening for danger when I left it, just as any good bunny should.

    Did you ever read the Little Golden Book, Little Cottontail, when you were young? This is my copy from when I was small and that I read to all my babies. The illustrations are amazing. It is all about moma rabbit teaching her baby how to evade the bad fox. I am hoping this little "honeybun" now knows to evade geriatric cats.

    On this same day my middle son found a bounty of brown, wrinkly treasures. These morel mushrooms may not be beautiful to the eye, but they are splendiferous to the tongue, especially fried up in butter. There are enough here to stir some into an herbed omelet. My, oh my!
morel mushrooms

    So, we find ourselves on the last day of a blustery March. Perhaps we could say this one came "in like a lion" and left like a...bunny? Happy April Fool's Day tomorrow! Play a prank on someone dear and make me proud.

"March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and 
a laugh in her voice." ~Hal Borland

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