Hello again!

I'm baaack! (cue scary music and demented laughter)

I recently found my way back here, only to see that it had been over two years since I had written! It was a long and winding way back and when I looked at the old posts I remembered how much I enjoyed putting words to the page.

So, dear reader, perhaps you wonder what happened. Did I fall ill? Did I fall off the edge of the world? No, life happened, and a significant factor in the abandoning of my blog was my computer. Sounds lame, I know. But you have no idea what my computer was like. It was built during a time when hamsters were still enslaved, bound to a tiny wheel for all eternity, running their chunky legs off in an attempt to get the good ole dial-up Internet to connect and everything to run. I'm not proud of it, but there you go. I enslaved hamsters in an effort to catch up to the technological age. 

When I started this blog it was with the fragile high-hopes that accompany all new ventures. But with a computer that was almost 11 years old, well...the hamsters were positively geriatric. I would attempt to load a photo. After pressing the button I would leap up to go make tea. Fold clothes. Count toothpicks. Paint the house.

 If I was lucky, I would come back to a picture that was a quarter of the way loaded. Only a couple hours more, I would assure myself. Other times it was stuck. The poor hamster had gotten a cramp in the furry ham and had to go lay down and try to sleep it off.  Stuck as in no-go on anything except shutting the whole thing down and losing all I had done. Now you see why I fell off the edge of the blogging world, screaming as I went?

 (disclaimer- no real animals were injured in the making of this blog. For those of you who are confused, I adore animals and would protect them with my life. Even the rodent varieties.) 

So here I am again, older, with so much having happened in the intervening years. Perhaps I will do some "catch-up" posts to bring that time out of obscurity. I don't know. I am in a spirit of unrest, of change in the soul. So many new adventures on the horizon and also so much of the fearful unknown...

But I am here again, new computer on desk, and I hear they put rams in them now. Good choice, their legs are much stronger.  And maybe so am I.

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