Christmas Decor 2019

Hello dearies, long time no post! In fact, I had to look back at my last post to see how long it's been. How have I gone from doing at least three posts a week, to this year when I'm so hit or miss? Well, lately my silence has been due to family affairs. There have been a lot of things going on- good, bad, and otherwise. This includes some deaths in the family. It has just been one of those times when I feel the need to go inward and think about things, and be silent. Not just silent on this blog, but silent in life. Mom said once that she asked Dad if she should be worried because I was being so quiet. And he said no, that I just went through spells like that, and if she'd let me alone I would come out of it. He's right. Sometimes my mind is spinning and worrying and sorting through things with such fervor, that the rest of me has to remain silent. I'm going to do a post about some of the things that have come out of this, but for now we're going to continue on a happier note. Christmas! Oh, how I adore it! Even in the saddest times of my life, I have been able to find joy in this season, and the hope that it brings through Jesus Christ. And so I am coming back to you with a post on holiday decorations and happiness....
In the dining room, I decorate similarly each year. Squeaky gets his hat and stocking.

 Mr. Pig gets the mistletoe.

Fluffy the bobcat is a Wildwood Santa.

And the wood duck that the boys gave me has his stocking cap on. I found the little mittens. I think they must be for a doll because they are not the shape of a child's hand. Instead, I thought they would make perfect covers for his little webbed feet!

 I've mentioned before that the stockings on either side of the china cabinet were my grandpa's and his brother's. I treasure them. And the mitten pocketed apron was from a dear friend (hello, Andrea!)

And on the tiny table under the French mirror is a tableau I especially enjoy creating each year. It is a small tree decorated with all of my Great Granny's ornaments that I found after she had passed away. And the toys underneath are a mixture of my grandpa's, my dad's, and mine. It is what my heart believes a childhood Christmas should look like.
I don't know if I had ever shown you my little glass pie case. There once was a tiny little cafe in the town of Gentry where I went to school. It had 14 seats. And a teeny tiny counter where the waitress could stand and serve coffee. This little glass showcase held the slices of pie in it. When the things in the shop were auctioned, I was determined to have this case. I thought that it would go for a large amount of money. Instead, I got the case AND the Formica counter that went underneath it for $35. I was so excited! But once home, I haven't been able to decide what to do with it. It has migrated to many different places. 

But when I was thinking about my collection of very, very fragile Victorian ornaments that Pop gave me years ago, I realized the showcase would be the perfect place to put my ornaments where they could be seen, and yet not be in danger.

In the kitchen is my usual little tree with cookie cutters on it. I was making molasses cookies on this particular night, and it was a lovely to gaze on the tree, and the snowmen my Grandma Betty made years ago.

This year, I went back to having the Christmas tree in the living room, like it was when the boys were small. For a long while I've had it in a corner of the dining room, simply because with all of my big boys in the living room we didn't have room for the tree. But now they're all gone and married. And when I have the 30-36 family members over to my house for a Christmas supper, a tree in the dining room really cramps the tables. Not only that, I wanted to be able to sit in the living room, warm by the fire, and gaze at my lovely tree. I used to rock the boys to sleep looking at the tree. Somehow it just makes one happily drowse...
Growing up we never cut a Christmas tree until the 19th, my daddy's birthday. Then, when I got married, we would put up the tree on the 15th, my youngest son's birthday. Since we always have live trees, that's actually a really good plan. That way they aren't up long enough to get too dried out. I put up all my other decorations near the beginning of the month, but it's always exciting to finally get the tree! And then when I decorate with ornaments that were my Grandma Tommy's, my Pop's, ones from when I was a child, ones that relatives have made-- it just gives me so much joy as I put them on the tree. And all that shiny tinsel is just like the glitter on top of a present!
Outside, the front porch has a greenery swag across it, and  multi-colored lights. My back porch has greenery strands that I bought at the Dollar General for $3, and big red bows for a dollar each. 

The grapevine wreath is one that Moma and I made years ago when we were in the height of making wreaths and giving them to people. Our creek is covered with wild possum grape vines, it would probably be possible to make a wreath for everybody in the state! This one has a string of sleigh bells on it, some torn pieces of plaid flannel, and an old size 10 sock stretcher that I think looks like a wooden Christmas stocking. Very rustic, but I think it suits a porch that has antlers and traps hanging off of it.
I have had one Christmas party so far. A simple little gathering, in the midst of a busy week. 

And so instead of using China, I decided to put out plates and napkins that I found at Walmart. They're Pioneer Woman designs. 

I also found miniature Christmas trees and little tiny reindeer attached to clothespins. I put those two things together with little wooden tags and wrote names on them. That way each person's placeholder was actually three different components that they could either keep together or use separately when they took it home. I thought they looked sweet.
I was very happy with my flower arrangements for the table this year! Some of you may remember that last year I had a tiny little vase of holly from my bushes. This year my holly bushes are large enough that I was able to make two good sized arrangements. And I know that they are old-fashioned, but I simply love carnations. I love that they look like small ruffled roses, and also how long they last. I never seem to find them, but I went into Walmart and they had a large bunch for $4. I divided them in half and was able to make two arrangements. I also had a bag of cranberries in the freezer that I had not baked with. I poured them into the vases so that when I filled them with water, they rose up and clustered around the stems. With the arrangements, and my candy striped candlesticks on top of a table runner I made years ago, the table feels very festive. Below is a gratuitous photo of the chocolate whoopie pies I made and filled with peppermint cream cheese frosting that I stirred crushed candy canes into. Just writing that makes me want to eat one!
I have another Christmas / birthday party on Wednesday to celebrate my pops 72nd birthday, and we are combining it with our annual sugar cookie decorating party. I'm very much looking forward to that. This weekend, I will have 30 some odd of my mom's side of the family over for our Christmas party. Then it will be Christmas Eve at moma and pop's house, and we will have Christmas morning and breakfast at my house. Two days after, Will and Belle will find out the sex of my grandbaby! So much fun, and so many gatherings to go! Thank you for being patient with me and waiting out my silence. I hope that you too are enjoying the season, and looking forward to Christmas and the remembrance of the birth of our Savior. My prayer for tonight is that you are not overwhelmed by stress or obligations, but instead are filled joyful anticipation. One week till Christmas Eve, Dear Reader!


  1. I love the memories that are in all of your beautiful decorations! I don't have a tree this year but I've set out three nativities & do have some lights in my kitchen window. I decided to lower the stress on decorated with our remodel.

    Wishing you & your family a sweet Christmas making new memories.

    1. I saw some of your pictures, and your decorations are lovely! I have two nativities up. That is always the first thing to be put out. When the boys were home the wise men would travel throughout the house until Epiphany. And lights are such a huge thing for me in the winter! I leave them up through Valentines. They lift my spirits. I know your sweet grandbaby loves looking at your nativities. And when you decide to have a tree again he will be big enough to help :)

  2. Thank you! I needed this post! I started off the Christmas season with so much joy, but then as you have experienced, life happened. I'm trying to keep positive and get my cheer back. This definitely helped! I hope you have a very merry and joyous Christmas!

    1. I am so glad that it spoke to you! Several years ago my dear Grandma Tommy was failing at this time. Hospice was called in, and people kept saying in subdued tones that I was going to have such a hard and terrible Christmas. I finally got upset and would respond, "No, I am going to have a wonderful, joyous Christmas! No matter what else is happening, Jesus is still born, and gives us hope." It can be so hard when worry tries to prey on your mind, but the thing to realize is that joy is not laughter, fun, and parties. (Though it can be all these things) It is a calm, still, happiness inside that can't be shaken, even in hard times. I wish that kind of JOY for you this season. Big hugs!!

    2. Thank you so much! Big hugs right back to you!!!

  3. Your decorations are full of memories for all of us. Thanks for re-sharing some of pop's ornaments with us this year. It really means a lot to us, especially this year. I love what you said about joy being a calm, still, happiness inside that can't be shaken, even in hard times (so, so true). It brought tears to my eyes. You words are so beautiful because they come from a beautiful heart. I can't wait to sit around the tree and sing Christmas songs and have one of the boys read about the birth of Jesus from granny's bible. Well, enough said...I am off to sit quietly by the fire and think about all that is lovely and good. Love you so much, moma

    1. Spending Christmas together is such a special time. I love all our traditions and can't wait to share them with Belle this year, and later, the grandbaby! We are blessed to have so much to be joyful about. Love you more than words...


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