One lone marble

I looked down the other day and discovered one, lone marble peeking out from under my bed. "How did you get there?" I asked it. There haven't been any boys little enough to play with marbles for a while. Though at a time there was always the hazard of stepping on one and trying to break your ankle. So, how did it appear? Did it come from that strange land of lost socks and misplaced toys that only reappear long after they are needed? As long as I'm asking questions, do kids even play with marbles anymore? I can't imagine giving a present-day child a bag of tiny glass balls and expecting them to be excited. My boys loved them, especially the network of tunnels and raceways they would make to send them down. The sound of marbles spinning along is quite a nice one.

But as to my rouge marble, I left him there. Day after day I glance to see that he's there.

Today, Moma came over. She was talking and suddenly broke off, "Oh, you have a marble there. Better pick it up so it doesn't get in the vacuum." I smiled and nodded and we left the room without me picking it up. I'm not quite through with it being there yet. You see, every time it catches my eye, I say to myself, "I've lost my marbles!" It never fails to make me smile.

It might be a good while before I pick up my marble.


  1. I find little Indian & cowboy toys everywhere. I've started hiding them in my houseplants.....staking our different rooms for each side!

    1. I love that! When Seth moved out he went through all of his old goodies. It wasn't until several days after he was gone that I realized something was different in my kitchen window. He had lined up a selection of tiny cowboys and Indians along the top for me to find! I loved it so much that they are still there. Ah, little boy memories...:)

  2. Sam, have you ever tried writing books? If not, you should - you would be a natural! I love your writing. ❤

    1. You, dear girl, are a ray of sunshine in my world- as usual! If you only knew how many "books" are in boxes under my bed, in the attic, lurking in dark places...well, you'd have me committed! If you read anything that I write and derive enjoyment from it, then I am so delighted :)

  3. This post really made me smile! My youngest boy (13) loves to play with marbles. They bring him quite a lot of joy :)

    1. Mine all loved marbles. They loved the simpler toys. Honestly, they loved sticks as much as any toy ;)


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