Homeschool Blog

    Do you ever have something good and completely unexpected happen to you that just leaves you with jaw dropped and eyes as big as a bullfrog's? Well, that happened to me recently. A homeschool friend whom I had been out of touch with for several years contacted me. She said that a local curriculum company was wanting to gather a panel of 6 moms who had taught, or were teaching, their children through homeschool. These ladies would work at curriculum fairs to show other families the teaching materials, and write blog posts to encourage and uplift homeschool families. And, Dear Reader, she asked me to join them as the sixth person!!! (Did I mention that I even get paid to write? A dream come true!)
    Yep, jaw dropped. I am so honored. Excited. Terrified. 
    In May I will graduate my last "baby" and have put in 17 years homeschooling my own brood. But as of last year I also began teaching classes to other students, so my stint as a "home educator" is far from over! As a part of the A Reason For Homeschool panel, we have all written multiple posts, but the blog is not quite up and running yet. Some time in April is the estimated date: see info above. So, just letting you know that there will soon be another place to get your fill of the written word. Not just posts about school classes, but recipes, stories, devotionals, crafts, holiday ideas, science... 
    Hope to see you there!

 "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. 8"You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.…"

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